Pastor Aaron Jackson acknowledged his calling to become a Minister of the Gospel in August of 1994 while in the Republic of Korea and was licensed as such in December of 1995.  After ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the elderly and to those incarcerated, Pastor Jackson was ordained as an Elder while serving the congregation at Rhema House of Prayer, Inc. Augusta, Georgia in 1997.  His wife of 34 years, Elder Stacy Jackson acknowledged her calling as an Evangelist that same year.

Pastor Aaron and Elder Stacy Jackson served faithfully with Pastor Roy L. Fletcher of the Sheridan Street Community Church of God for more than six years as Associate Ministers. They both were heads of multiple auxiliaries, and supported their Pastor and 1st Lady with diligence. In November of 2007, Pastor Aaron and Evangelist Stacy Jackson were led by the Spirit of God to leave their posts as Associate Ministers and begin shepherding the flock of God as Pastors.

Pastor Jackson sought the Lord through much prayer for guidance and direction; he also sought spiritual counsel from Bishop Nate and Pastor Valerie Holcomb of Covenant Connections International, Copperas Cove, TX.  Pastor Jackson shared his calling with his credentialing pastor, Pastor Willis O. Lewis of Rhema House of Prayer, Augusta, Georgia and with his pastor at the time, Pastor Roy L. Fletcher of Sheridan Street Community Church of God, Tacoma, Washington. Bishop Nate and Pastor Valerie Holcomb gave Pastor Aaron and Evangelist Stacy Jackson their blessing to move forward in their Pastoral calling.

ACFM was established and incorporated in February 2008 in Tacoma, Washington on the foundational scripture of John 3:16-17.  Pastor and 1st Lady Jackson held worship services in their home with their family for two months.  Afterwards, the Lord pressed upon Pastor Jackson's heart to look for a place of worship. He was led to the Hampton Inn & Suites Conference Center, Tacoma, Washington.  The first public worship service was held in the conference center on April 27, 2008. Following that service, ACFM welcomed a membership of nineteen believers. 

During the 1st four months, many souls came to know Jesus Christ as Lord and there were a substantial growth in visitation and membership; this resulted in the conference center being filled beyond capacity which led Pastor Jackson to pursue a more suitable place to worship in order to accommodate the church's growth.

In June 23, 2013, ACFM moved to its current location in Lakewood, Washington. Since moving to this location, ACFM has continued to grow in the word of God and in discipleship.  The believers are taught the word of God with clarity and simplicity so that they may become doers, and not solely hearers of the word of God.  

ACFM is a ministry with a call for salvation and discipleship rather than membership; if one can be a disciple, he or she will not struggle as a member. Furthermore, it is paramount that every believer receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit; this prepares each member for the ministry of soul winning and becoming both examples and ensamples to one another and to the world.

ACFM believes that Jesus Christ is the center and the circumference, the base and the boundary, the balance and the beauty, the sum and the substance of our faith. It's not about us, but it's all about HIM, Jesus -- Amen.